
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Left overs

The rest of these things occurred and I didn't want to dedicate an entire post to the left overs. So everything else will be mushed together in this long post... If you are just now joining us... Skip over to the things you like!
 Ry had a friend birthday party which Gator, Munchie and I crashed... It was a pool party and I wanted to go for a swim. I loath my bathing suit situation, but I did it for the kiddies right? I think it must be in the genetic make up of my children to be little fish. Munchie would walk out to the deepest part of the water and plunge herself under only to realize she is drowning, smile, and come back up coughing. She had a blast! One time I had to pull out the mean momma bear when these ladies were chatting together and Munchie tried to approach their child.. The mom grabbed Minchies arm and shoved her away... I was like; my 17 month old baby that you just clearly made unstable in water, wasn't going to hurt your much bigger kid. Second, Munch fell forward trying to steady herself and grabbed at the ladies leg for support and the lady did the wiggle off motion... Who does this really? We moved safely away from that unaware gal. We don't want to see what would have happened next. Gator loved the water too... He would not let me snap a picture...
 My Ry enjoyed every minute! I love swim suit shopping for kids... They look darling in those things..
 I purchased one of these portable pulse ox for Gator's back pack for next year. We will be trying it out all summer. Speaking of Gator and school next year!!! BEST NEWS EVER!!!! I got an email today saying that the school will be getting and AED!!! Happy dance!!!
And this is a look at the first part of my spring cleaning... It would have looked better if I had done a before picture... This is only a third of my kitchen, I have so much more left to do.. It takes a long time to get things like this done with all the other projects I have been doing. Not to mention being a wife, mommy, hair dresser, nurse, mock insurance agent, short order cook, carpenters assistant and everything else.  
 I did bust out the flip flops and sparkle my toes... The feel free again. Don't make fun of the Flinstone feet. I realize my toes are square! At least I don't have the toe that flips people off, and my snuggle toes are happy!
 Got this for my birthday! My hubs surprised me with it!!!
 My Ry made this for my birthday too!
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