
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

its a good day when...

You know it is gonna be a good day when......

You get showered, dressed, and make-up on before 9 a.m.
You also have both children showered, dressed and fed before 9 a.m.
You manage to make beds and keep breakfast down.
You also manage to get the dishes done.
You fit vacuuming into that few minutes before your client comes
Your client brings her sweet grandchild that totally occupies your own children for the duration of the hair appointment. (ahhh adult conversation)
You make a yummy "sammich" on homemade bread with lots of tomato and pickles...
This also stays down
You enjoy twenty minutes of very happy kids building a "forte" while you write this little post.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Gator's Birthday Extravaganza

The best part about Birthdays are.... You can't believe you made it another year... Every year we get with Gator is awesome.....It all started on his day.... We went out to Chick-a-Lay lunch with Grandma and Papa.... Then Daddy planned Chuckee-Cheese fun for dinner... It went over especially well since they had a Monster Truck ride. He opened presents...(white shirt) Then we had A surprise from Terry Lady who brought over a special present cause her big boy Parker and Gator share a birthday. (red and grey shirt) Next day we built the Monster Truck cake... It takes a lot of help to eat the candy and lick the beaters and frosting.(Monster Truck shirt, this one is hard to peal off that kid.. he would wear it everyday) Then it was family and Hot dog city... Yummmmmy, with perfect weather on Saturday we had a blast....(Green shirt) He still has Hope Kids Birthday at classic skating... Yeah baby....

Thanks to everyone for the help in making it another year. He only had one minor ear tube surgery, strep, and mild RSV. He had no major hospital stays. He has been doing very well... Looking rather blue (dang) but with summer approaching we hope it disappears and was just because he was cold. Other than that.... He plans on going to Cardiology in May, going on the Father-and-sons camp out, playing hard this summer and getting ready for pre-school in the Fall....
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yesterday's appointment and some other stuff I decided to throw in.

I was pretty nervous about the Dr. appointment. Mostly because I still didn't feel totally out of the blue. After a short check-in and a reminder that I was in the room. (poor busy Dr. felt bad about skipping me) I finally got to hear that magical heart beat. I forgot I had to have the WHOLE real exam with the pap and everything... At least I shaved my legs.LOL... I have to say all that business isn't so bad with a female Dr.. They must understand better. We get to find out what we are having in just four short weeks. That went by fast. We thought that maybe we won't find out this time... I am kinda a control freak so I can't say that for sure.

We went to the park for a picnic today... It was the best weather... Then I made myself cut roses and dig weeds until I was too sick for anymore... I had to do more than play today.

The funniest thing Gator said today was....

He comes running into me wearing Ry's Helmet and no shoes... and says
"There is mud all over my scooter!"
Me-" There is mud where?"
G-"On my scooter, and I JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT!!!"(include pout face and poop lip)
me-Just laughing

He has to get those phrases from his drama queen sister.
Who told be today that she just couldn't play anymore... When I asked why? She told be it was because one of her friends "Just Broke Her Heart"

I told her to cowgirl up....

Monday, April 12, 2010

With it comes....

I am so excited for this new arrival... In the back of my brain I feel a whole lotta guilt... I feel like jumping up and down that we get this amazing blessing, so here is the draw back... I feel pretty crumby, I shouldn't complain because some women would kill to throw up and feel like they had the flu for six weeks now. Do you know how hard we tried in the past and this just came? I feel like I should have had to work for it somehow. Does that mean it is going to have health problems? I also worry about all those who are trying so hard and it isn't working for them... Nothing I can do will make it work for them...BOOO... I think I will feel better after Wed. It is just the pre-Dr. appointment jitters right?