Thursday, September 30, 2010
Update on the large round lady
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I knew this would happen at some point!
At dinner tonight the conversation went something like this....
R-"Mommy will the baby be eating your food?"
M-"Yup, everything the baby needs right now comes from inside my belly"
R-"Well then, how did the baby get in there?"
M-(I thought about that for a second... I don't want to offer too much or too little information. I want it to be accurate and honest, but not over her head) "It's kinda cool" I tell her "babies start out very little, like a seed. Then they begin to grow and grow. On the outside it is hard to tell that there is even a baby in there because it just looks like a very big belly. When the baby gets big enough then the mommy and daddy go to the hospital and the doctor takes the baby out."
By this time I am hoping I haven't under done it....
R-"Huh, that is what I thought"
Whew! She took that explanation and I didn't have to go into more detail about the "seed" right now. This would be information I wouldn't mind her sharing, or that if she was the one receiving the information, having it... I think I dodged a bullet today...
If anyone out there has a better explanation that they would use on a kindergartner.. I am all ears.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Don't forget!
gaspopper = grasshopper
Pull cheese = String cheese
slinky apples = apples cut with a peeler
snuggly blankie = favorite green blanket
crunchy ice = ice water that has crushed ice
running flipflops = Nike flipflops (who runs in flipflops?)
nuggleme = please snuggle me
That is all I can remember now.. I am sure I will come up with more as I remember them.
One or two things I can think of that Ry says... She gets a little mixed up on grammar.:)
"We dear Heavenly Father" = Our dear Heavenly Father
"We love to play.... Do we" = We love to play, don't we?
"This is a yummy dinner, is it daddy" = This is a yummy dinner, isn't it daddy?
"I hope I could have a party today" = I wish I could have a party today
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Baby Crafts
So ever since I found out we were having a girl I have been looking at cute things to make for her. I did this with Gator boy too, however, they just don't have much out there for boys.
So from left to right, top to bottom this is what the item is and were you can find the tutorial to make some yourself. Unless of course I made it up or there is no tute about it......
#1-2... this is one of those handy dandy car seat covers. I am not quite finished with it. I just need to sew on the Velcro and the bows and Wallllahhh! I am not crazy about the colors and think I might look for something else... But in the mean time I am using this... Here is the tutorial-
#3... Our car seat was in need of a major upgrade... But it doesn't expire for one more year. (yeah, did you know that they expire????) Anyway I know this voids the warranty but it needed it so bad. With the help of one of my amazing friends and neighbor we redesigned it. Sorry no tutorial on this project. It was kind of hard so I am not sure you would want to do it anyway.
#4... Binky bling..... I just made this up... Those little holdie-on-thingies are curtain holders with the hooky pulled off. Then I just beaded what I thought looked cute... Now those Binky's won't drop and get dirty. Here is another tute for the kind you can make with ribbon.
#5...Wrist bling..... Just bracelets for a little person...
#6... The Hooter Hider.... Okay these are priced way high in stores and boutiques. Especially when you need or like a bigger one. Here is the tute....
#7.... Hooded towels... I made two for the baby and one for each of my older kids. They don't get them until she comes so they can all have something new-ish. Sorry no tute on this.. My momma showed me how to make these years ago.
#8.... Baby shoes...Six pair.... 3 are not totally finished I need to sew on the snaps and the buttons on the outside... I am not sure if I can find the tute on these... I'll try.
(Julianne- Are you eyeballing a pair of the leopard print.. One if for your bean!!!)
#9.... ruffle socks..... Just plain old white baby socks that I crocheted a ruffle on...
I gotta keep these hands busy somehow... I made the crib skirt for her crib too, that is kinda boring so I didn't show it... I have a couple of other things in the works.. For some reason I don't feel much like working on them right now.....I just need to finish the shoes and car seat cover I started and then call it quits for a while right?
Walk For Healing Hearts
Preschool Man
Saturday, September 18, 2010
True meaning!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
So much to do so little time....
1. For two hours he is in the care of another individual who is highly qualified and extremely careful, but it would kill her to have anything happen to him on her watch even though things happen on my own watch. So although I trust her completely I hope he doesn't do any health naughties while at school.
2. He is going to get sick, I already know this. I am just not sure what will come first and as we enter respiratory season the idea of how we will make this work is a little unnerving.
3. I am having a hard time teaching him to listen to his body. To try and do things for himself. I recently was chatting with a friend who told me about a culture that teach dependency on the family, they spoon feed their children until they are teens. This is good in their poor culture because it enables the family to work as a unit which then means everyone is taken care of. However, in the states we teach independent living. Our children are supposed to feed, bathe, dress, understand and advocate for themselves. I feel like maybe I am not pushing him enough to do these things. I guess I just need more time. Good thing he is little enough to be molded a little more. LOL!
After school I asked him what he talked about in school and he said..... "Not Jesus".... I had a good laugh.. Because, when we ask what he learned in nursery at church he always answers "Jesus". This is the perfect answer because, isn't He what church is all about? I guess for school not so much. After just one preschool class he is singing the welcome song of, "Good morning to you, good morning to you" Also, it must be a good sign that things went well because he asks every night if tomorrow is school for him too? He is also very excited because he wants to bring Monster Truck for 'show and tell' (Monster Truck is his pet frog)...baaaaaa, so many neat things for him.
Party day details and pictures to come.
And Last but not least....
Baby... My appointment went well.. I am dilated to a one already. Plus she said things were "soft"... She also thinks that this is gonna be a big girlie, I think so too! A small worry for delivery day, but doc doesn't want her to come just yet. Doc thinks just because she is big doesn't mean her little lungs are ready yet so... I gotta wait a little longer. I have done sick baby before and I don't want that again. So although I am extremely uncomfortable I will be, just to make it better for her. If you see me and ask how I am doing, I will most likely say just fine... I am tired of complaining... I have been doing projects to take my mind off things... I am excited to show the things I have made so far...
Pictures to come....
k- peace out!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
America's next top model
I wanted to do a few maternity pictures because I liked having the ones from when I was pregnant with Gator.. I guess I should have known that I wouldn't like them that much. I didn't delete them all. (although it was very tempting) I guess I carry girls different and it is evident in everyone of those pictures.
Gotta love the way she WORKS those skinney jeans.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
School is cool
One of the perks of school is the reading assignment. I say it is a perk because Ry will use any excuse to be allowed to stay up later. Even if that means manipulating mommy's guilty feelings of needing to be read to. Or that she must read herself in order to fulfill the assignment. She is only supposed to "Need" to read/be read to 20 minutes, we have found these fabulous books that she relates to and is enjoying so much (crud, her mommy enjoys so much) that we can't put each book down until it is complete. Yeah for 'Junie B. Jones'!!!!
This is her lovely face.. Which she slept in, it in turn, ended up on her pillow case...
If any of our neighbors would like to borrow some of these darling books... YOU CAN!