This year the Groesbeck family reunion was held near my Grandparents home in Richfield,Utah. To most it is a small southern town. But....What you need to experience while visiting Richfield is the Ideal dairy. They have cream slushies that are fabulous, squeaky cheese that is super yummy and their punch bags ( a little bag with juice in it ) is an experience you just need to have. We all got our fill while in town.
We also drove around to different location where my parents both worked through out their youth. I guess I never really appreciated how much my folks did while they lived there. We visited sights where buildings had been torn down and only the footing remained. One building that was still up and running was the youth center. I remember being a little girl and roller skating at the youth center at one reunion. Taco time was still there and of course the city pool, it has undergone major renovations, The old Ideal Dairy is now a Funeral home, and Christiansens still sells candy bagged like always.
Both sets of grandparents lived there. My Grandpa Clawson owned and operated the Radio station. Grandpa and Grandpa Clawson have long since moved, but Grandma and Grandpa Groesbeck are still in the big yellow house.
Mom and Dad met and we all lived there while I was a teeny girl. My kids wanted to explore the root seller, (do they even make these anymore) but Grandma told us we better not because there are Salamaders down there. Which, let's be honest, only made my kids want to explore it even more.
Our family is growing out of just one hotel room. The kids are pretty young to be in their own room, this helps us get by very nicely. The two smallest stay on cots. 
It helps that the hotel also has a pool.
This is my amazing cousin with her sweet baby Slone. Anna may not feel like it, but she is rocking being a parent. I watched all my cousins with their children and marveled at their love. Not all the same and not all that much different. Grandparents taught thier children, they in turn became amazing parents to us all and now is our turn to try and be like them.
And the park is pretty fantastic as well.
My Grandpa restored a gorgeous red truck. I am not sure of the year, because details like that need to written down, but i just can't, because I am usually chasing the little man. The kids got a toy truck that looks exactly like Great Grandpa's, Asher carried his around and wouldn't even put it down to sleep that night. It was as cool as the harmonicas the big kids all got. My grandma can play the harmonica really well, that is one thing I would love to be able to do. #goals
I am thankful that this reunion gets our extended family together.