
Thursday, June 18, 2009

on this day.

We plan on moving past our LOSSES. I wish I was sick or that I could feel the spirit of the baby with me still... We have had to move on before and we know that we are not the only ones to have a rough time.


On today's agenda: Laundry, disinfecting, organizing, and daddy day gift buying.... Got any good ideas? Jeff want socks.. How exciting!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments and sweet words..


Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl. I know how it feels to be at the 'bottom' of that 'Dog Pile.' But the sun will shine again and we know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us, sometimes the hard part is meeting him in the middle to know and trust that. Prayers are with you my friend!

The Simmons Family said...

I am so sorry!! I know how frustrating the baby making biz is. Praying for you to feel better soon.

If I had any Father's Day ideas, I'd be HAPPY to share. I was going to make him a cookie bouqet but I have NO idea how to. Off to GOOGLE it! :)


Andrea Griggs said...

Brynn and Jeff-

I'm so sorry, I know the pain you are feeling. I wish nobody had to go through a loss like that, you will be in my prayers. I love you guys! PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


Allison said...

Oh Brynn,

I am so sorry for your losses. There is nothing more to say. I love how you two spent your anniversary...perhaps the knowledge of sealing ordinances can bring some comfort. Love to your whole family!


Mom of three ♥ said...

I hope that your having a better day today. I know it will be hard for awhile. I have been thinking about your cute family.
And as for Father's day gifts I still am trying to figure out what to get Lance. He says he is easy to buy for, but ya right I don't think so! So let me know if you find some good ideas.
Take Care

Melissa said...

We are in the same boat sister! I am so sorry. How are you feeling? Let me know if you wanna chat!


Em said...

I hope you do not hate me for not realizing you were talking about a miscarriage! I am soo soo sorry and just know that it truly does suck!(There sometimes are just NO other words for it than that!) Love your guts and hang in there!
Heart hugs,

Terry said...

Thanks for letting me come by to help today. I love being with you and the kids. I hate that dog pile, I wish none of us had to deal with it. Love you Lady

Mp said...

Oh no Brynn...we're so sorry...we can understand your struggles, hang in there brighter days ahead. Thinking of you and the family.


Mike & Becky

The Snell Family said...

I am so sorry sweetie, I was clueless on Saturday and didn't even know. It does suck tons, let me know if we can take Ry for an afternoon, one less stress for a couple of hours.
As for Daddy day gifts, well we just don't buy anything these days, Kenna makes cards and i do breakfast, Matt always makes Sunday morning breakfast, so I take over.
Loves and hugs!!

Danny McMillan said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I don't have the perfect words or know what you are feeling but pray that Heavenly Father comforts and fills you with all you need and his love during this very difficult time. All our love!

Danny McMillan said...

This is heidi, not danny, if you can't tell.

likeschocolate said...

I wish I was there to give you a hug. So sorry, but I know that it doesn't make it any better. Hugs, Kelleyn

mikeynannie said...

I didn't even know. I am sorry! My heart hurts for you and Jeff. Just know you are not alone. That little spirit as well as our Heavenly Father are with you. We love you guys!

Sunshine Marketing said...

oh Brynn...dang it! I wish I could do something to make you feel better, just know that I, and many others- from the looks of it, are thinking about you and sending all our good Karma and prayers with you.
Take Care!
Much Love,