
Sunday, December 11, 2022

Fri-Yay the 9th

 Asher had his cardiology appointment today. He was so good and was eager to see Miss Elizabeth, who is always our favorite part of going to appointments. She let him use the exercise bike and also gave him a prize. The prizes were really important because all of Alex's experiences, when he was younger, was looking forward to those prizes. He would be so good because he knew that there would be a Match Box car, or a Lego set. Alex talked big to Asher about all those prizes and thinks that everything that happens to Alex also applies to him. That really isn't the case anymore. I don't know if the hospital doesn't get as many donations anymore, or if they just discontinued the practice since covid. But Miss Elizabeth saved the day!!!! If anything, I can take him to get his prize. But the visit was a huge happy success and Asher's heart looks awesome and he won't have to have a follow up for two years. 

Alex's school had a bit of scary excitement, with a weapon wielding student. The police were able to arrest the student before he could do anyone any harm. Gator says it was a deal gone bad. I do get nervous for these kinds of events, but feel like the school and the students themselves did a good job minimizing chaos and getting everyone home safe. 

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