I bet you know by the title that we have our precious daughter with us now... It went a little like this... Have Pitocin wait, have nothing happen, have more pit, wait, nothing happen, get an epidural from Dr. J who is totally funny... Get more Pit wait... Nothing happen. Never efface, never dilate and now the decision. We have three choices... Not easy choices. #1 go home(not really an option with an epidural) #2-turn off the pit and wait until morning(it was around four forty five pm) Maybe the new start would kick my body into gear. Also, there was still a risk of delivering a very large baby and having a very traumatic vag birth. Thus making the risk of recovery high. Then there was the risk of injuring the baby as she made her grand entrance. With positives... I would be released from the hospital as soon as twenty four hours after delivery and I would be able to manage my family. Also I hadn't planned on the big-C so I was really scared of it. Just thinking it would be so hard to recover from and manage my pain... You know selfish stuff. #3 was of course the C-section. Something that could be done soon, be safer for the baby and, and would be a longer recovery/hospital stay.... After much talk... We finally decided that we would go ahead with the C. Everything went really fast after that. The Dr. came in, then the anesthesiologist, then they dressed daddy in his special clothes and we went down.
About fifteen minutes later we had our baby girl. (I was also relieved that she was still a girl)
Welcome to this family little miss,
Eden Nichole - 8lbs 8oz- on 10-05-10
Little Eden is our darling little munchie.
Yay! Congratulations! I'm glad "the big C" went okay and all is well. What cute babies you have!
yeah!!!! I have been worried about you. Congrats!!!!! Carden and Eden are exactly 2 weeks apart. Looks like the same place I delivered. IMC room 15????
Congratulations! I love the name you chose...what a sweet little addition to your family! :)
Congrats! Hardy just freaked out a little at the baby deliver photo. I thought it was pretty cool. So glad she's safely here and you are all doing well.
Such a cute little chunk! And she definitely is a member of your family, no baby's-daddy question there :) (And you know I am 100% joking on that!) She is beautiful and so glad to hear you all are doing so well! C-sections do kind of suck, but I promise every day gets better!
Yippie!! Hope you are up and moving. Have they given you much to eat? Keep on top of your drugs for the first week and you should be great!! Of course having a darling baby makes it all worth while! Welcome to the world Eden!
Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you. She looks like a keeper...enjoy!
~ Michele
Brynnie Brynn: I am so excited. Ellie told me all about your new little one. She was told by Ry so Im so glad to get the news somehow. So Ry told Ellie who told me that Eden has hair and eyes the color of my Ellie....is this true? How can this be when the others are so blonde? Please let me know if you need ANYTHING!! You are the best mom around. My guess is that Heavenly Father would send you 50 more if he could. Congrats!
Oh she is sooo precious. I am sorry you had the dreaded c. I wish I was closer and could come take your older two. YOu two sure have an adorable family! Remember take it easy!
Congratulations Homer family! Glad things turned out well. Take care!
Congratulations! Cute name too. I am glad that it all went so well for you!
So glad she's here and everything went well. She is darling... can't wait to see more photos!
I'm impressed that your husband could take the pic of the delivery! Most husbands are passed out in the corner! :)
Good luck in the recovery!
Congrats, Brynn and family! She's adorable and her older sister and brother will undoubtedly love her to pieces. Good luck with three!
Esther Judd
Brynn!!! I am soo excited for you. Congratulations on your new little girl. She looks just as darling as your other 2 kids. I am glad she is here safe and healthy.
This is Naomi, I used to be the study coordinator in Peds Cardio. I occasionally look at the heartheros.blogspot.com page.
Congratulations on your new little one!
Congratulations!!! You have the cutest little family. Taylor misses all the girls in the ward, so tell Ry hi for her. Hope all is well, and enjoy your new precious gift.
Congrats! What a pretty girl and what a lucky family!
yay Brynnie!! Congrats! Eden is darling and so glad all went well!! Loves to your whole cute fam!!
Congrats! we are so excited about your new baby Eden! I think it may take awhile for grace to get over the trama of seeing your stomach open. I think she may have to see you healed to ever get that vision out of her head! And speaking of visions...Jeff, you look like a stuffed marshmellow. lOVE YOU~lishy
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