
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Grateful #1

 Remember that I am trying to think of things other than the every day items, so be patient with my choices as they might be slightly unusual. 

Today I am thankful for....... 

Running indoor water.
Today I took a shower that was warm. I brushed my teeth, cooked, used the potty, washed my hands, washed laundry, washed dishes, drank cool water from my fridge, rinsed binki's and so much more. It is there and non stop. I am so grateful for it. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to haul it or go to it. I just turn on things and it is there.

Fingernail clippers.
They bring relief from baby razor sharp nails. They also make kids fingers and toes look so much better. I have tried to cut with nail scissors and file away the length. Both of those just don't work as well. Some amazing person had the same stress as me and invented this handy little tool. 

Ziplock baggies.
I sewed these into a small roll. It is so handy to have and keep my bag tidy. Snacks stay awesome, things stay organized and clean. They are really awesome. 

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