
Friday, March 5, 2010

I got my wish!!!

After I cut back four of the six rose bushes, after I started my garden plan..... Today it snowed, and it stuck and I got my wish. I am going to snuggle in today and not worry about the yard until next week when the snow melts again.... Yeah!!!!


Aimee Hardy said...

So you're the one we should blame for all this crazy snow? Jack and I are going to have to have some words with you, missy. We much prefer the sunshine and garden preparations. I hope you're happy.

Em said...

I'm with Aimee. I am so not hearting the snow, especially since I worked Friday (mind you at 6 am ) and had to shovel nearly a foot of heavy snow just to get out to the car, where I than had to shovel another foot off the car. I am ready for some warmer weather.