
Monday, March 22, 2010

So that is it then?

After hacking all weekend.. Temps and cranky man all day Sunday.

I held him most of the day... I finally broke down and called the Dr..

(daddy may have kindly suggested as well)

Off to the pediatricians office..

Weren't we just there?

It seems as though we have a bug, the start of a nasty bug, a bug that we have avoided for almost three years...

The darn-toot'in RSV bug...

We caught it early and we have started neb treatments... He is breathing better and we totally avoided the over populated RSV infested hospitals... So now we take it easy... At least it peaks and he should be feeling better soon and it isn't another crummy bug. At least he is bigger and can fight it better. At least we caught it early enough that we didn't need to make a stay at the hotel on the hill. At least he has been having good naps which lets mommy have good naps..

At least........

poor little man.


Em said...

Yuck! I am so sorry but glad to hear it was caught early!!!

likeschocolate said...

Sadly, after Roman finished the RSV shots he got his first big cold. Too bad these babies can't continue to get the shots. HOpe Gator feels better soon.

Andrea Griggs said...

I'm so sorry-I'm glad you caught it early though and he doesn't have to go to the hospital. I hope he gets feeling better soon!! Let me know if you need anything!

Melissa said...

get better soon!!!!

Terry said...

Give Him a hug from me and Moo Moo!! Hope he gets better soon!!LYL