
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A complex bird problem

Yesterday we had these two little birdies fly into the garage. In a panic they kept flying in circles and going back to the same spot. They would chirp at each other. I am sure it was the wife yelling that they should have gotten directions. We tried to get them out by luring them with bread crumbs they weren't really into that. Then I tried the broom. Yeah, that doesn't work in a garage with super tall ceilings. So I just had to wait until they figured it out. I left the door open and kept checking on them until I went in and they had finally made it out!

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Sally said...

Bah-ha-ha!! I bet it was the wife yelling at the husband!

Angee and Thom said...

hee hee silly birdies! But oooo kudos for the very organized garage!