
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring cleaning?

I think it is time for me to start making the LIST!!!! Every year I feel the need purge things that I am not using/wearing and also time to try and clean things that have not been cleaned since the last time I began the LIST!!! This year I plan on starting the first day of March... 
that is like one-ish days away... 
I need to remind myself, I am not finishing my spring cleaning just starting it... 
The first room I plan on attacking is the kitchen. There are windows, blinds and outside/inside of cabinets to wash and condition. I am totally looking forward to ditching my amazing cottage cheese and sour cream tub collection. I need to plan on getting rid of all the extra lids that are clogging up the drawer. I definitely need to rid the toaster of the crumbs in the bottom and wipe down the outside of all my appliances.... 
Martha suggests I pull out the fridge and dust behind that sucker.... 
She also says it's a good time to clean out the freezer... 
The Fly Lady says I should be cleaning out the fridge once a week, So much to do....
 I need to have the whole house finished by the end of April so I can play all summer with minimal house maintenance and work on the garden. In my opinion the garden needs a ton of care. I can't be caught up in huge house cleaning when I need to be outside. It is kind of therapeutic to think about how it will look when it is done... YAY!!!

Munchie is doing so well with Signing.. Today she told me straight up "CACA" and patted her bum... She is so happy she can tell me what she wants. Although that doesn't always mean that is what she gets...

Gator is constantly wishing for a friend to come and play... I can't wait for summer when I can say go outside and play. He is going to need some firm rules to keep him safe. Remember when we could go outside and play with out the fear that we would be nabbed or harmed in anyway.
 He is at the point were he wants everyone to play what he wants. Sorry friends. I am trying to teach him that he needs to compromise, it's a rough learning experience. He'll get it eventually.

Ry Ry is so happy about her room. We haven't done much since the pictures I posted. I need to find more minutes in my day to sand and finish priming... Then I can paint it... Maybe I will go work on it now.....

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