
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Halloween extravaganza

Big shark 
Here is Alex who seems surprised I wanted to take his picture during the school costume parade.
Eden is okay with it. 
We grew our own pumpkins in our garden this year. It is fun to have them to carve. They weren't the hugest bunch, but I will start a little earlier next year and plant on some of the warmest days and cover if it get cooled off again. I am going to be an awesome gardener some day, for now I am sub par and I guess that it will have to do. I can't be perfect and everything/anything.

Preschool costume parade

Halloween dinner was spider web bean dip, The web is sour cream. I just put it in a sip lock and trimmed of the corner and used it like a piping bag. 
And mummy dogs
Ry helped me with Eden's hair for her masquerade costume.

Tight pants... Jeff did an awesome impersonation of Jimmy Fallon... If you haven't seen it, check out Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferral. Kills me. 
But creeped us all out with this mask. 

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