
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Health/fitness pros

I have made every awesome argument in the book as to why I can't work out. Believe me these are stellar excuses...

Ummm I have two kids with health needs and I eat to distress those situations... Lame...
 I haven't even slept enough because my baby still wakes up 3 times in the night.... Waaaaawaa.
. I have zero time for fitness because it is something that needs my full attention and daddy is busy and can't always help, then I got two kids in a stroller and one bawling because , heck... That's pretty tough on my heart boy... Okay that one is still pretty good. 
Working out requires planning and it never fits into the schedule... Pathetic... 

And so on, and on, and on some more.

I've been inspired by my hubby. He really wants to try a triathlon sprint. Plus he bikes like crazy. Whaaaaaa! He is so amazing. So I am going super slow and conditioning for a 5k. I know that is weak sauce to you mega super health/fitness people. But give props to the un-mega super chubby more to love girl. I need to start somewhere. Today I started. I am doing the Couch to 5k app. I did the whole run thing tonight. Man am I weak. I am sure that if anyone was running behind me they would have laughed. I pep-talked myself the entire time. Promising myself it was nearly over. Agreeing with myself that it hurts, but only a little. I can endure anything for a little. Trying to distract myself with loud signing. Not awesome signing either. Then cheering loud when my virtual trainer told me it was complete. The bad deal was... I ran far away from home and still had to walk back. 
I can't promise myself that I will be a super mega health/fitness junky. It's not a passion for me. I really like other things way more. But, it isn't fair to be unhealthy to a body that has done so much for me. This body is another wonderful gift from Heavenly Father. I hate when my PCOS acts up, or even when I get a cold. I long to feel better. Trophy wife-ness here I come.... 

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You are already a trophy wife and that's the truth. I try to convince myself that I like to run, but it is never going to happen lol. Good luck on the fun health endeavor. I really love following your blog.