
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pre-op and surgery Eve

Today I took May up for her labs. They need to take some blood to have blood products on hand. It took two pokes to get her little sample. She also got her fancy hospital bracelet and a sticker with her info on it. She did great and cried for just a few minutes... Then I turned on the 'Cuppycake' song and she stopped right away. That song is like magic, I tell ya! We went to the store to buy surprises for the other kids... All while Papa H watched the other three... Then we grabbed the kids, finished packing and drove them to Grandma and Papa C's house. 
I am completely awed by the love and support of our family and friends. My sister and sister in law are watching/entertaining during the day and Papa and grandma are snuggling after work. Friends and loved ones have already begun to pour out their love in the form of emails, texts, and Facebook messages. Both sets of Grandparents have taken all the worry about what we will do with Ry, Gator and Eden for anything. I am so thankful....
My friend says "my eyes leaked a little". My eyes certainly have. My heart is so filled with gratitude and love that there is almost no room at all for sadness.... Thank you so much! I took some pre scar photos of Mays back and have some cutie ones of her swinging...

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh my gooshy yummy baby in a swing pictures!! I just want to smooch her!! So many prayers being sent your way. Love you all so much. Extra loves to Miss MayLee.