
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

March 31st

MayLee had her annual pulmonology appointment. Almost all was good news. She is growing, seems to be on track developmentally, is happy and her lungs seem like they are not getting better right now. Dr. Uchida heard crackles still. Which means she needs to stay on her oxygen. We also discussed doing a sleep study to further determine whether she needed her tonsils and adenoids out. But gave me information so that Jeff and I could discuss what we wanted to do. 
Angie came with me and helped with the little dude.

We had also heard back from the STEM fair that Ryleigh had won an award. They don't tell you which one until award night. We were so excited and nervous. In the begining they did awards for that were sponsored by different companies. Ry was thrilled to receive the Goldie Bloks award for innovation. Then they began to award the Fair awards. She was so dissapointed when they announced first place and she hadn't placed. She was proud of herself for her innovation award and thought that was over. Until they announced that there were still grande Champions. And she was chosen Grande Champion of engeneering. She also was nominated for Broadcom Masters. She will write an essay about her project. It will be reviewed by scientist and Nobel nominee's. 300 will be chosen to be reassessed. Then 30 of those will get an all expense paid trip to Broadcom Masters to present. It is a huge opportunity. SO if anyone out there in Blog land has ever written an essay like this PLEASE share your wisdom. We would love to see her project go even farther. If it doesn't I want her to know that I am so proud of what she has given us. We use her product everyday. When she isn't so crazy busy, she wants to open a little Etsy shop and make them for others. She also wants to sit down with my mom, who has sewn for a living and also come up with prototypes and can help us fine tune.

1 comment:

charity said...

congrats ryleigh thats a huge accomplishment to get grand champion